Marriage, Family, and Individual Counseling sessions are available by appointment for individuals and groups.
Fees for individual and couples counseling are based on a sliding scale of what the client can afford to pay.
Individual & Family
Counseling & Workshops
Wisdom Workshops
Our group counseling is delivered in a workshop format. For a workshop a certain amount of time is set aside and a specific topic is addressed. Fees for workshops include leaders time, materials and sometimes meals. GSF has been offering workshops to local churches and homeless shelters for over 5 years.
Current Workshop Topics include:
Resolving Spiritual and Personal Conflicts
Setting Godly Boundaries
Resolving Anger Issues
Communication and Relationship
Our counseling services are available for individuals, families and groups. We have two primary counselors with master's degrees, and several other counselors with training and experience are available on an as needed and personality/needs match basis. All of our counseling is Bible-based and is built on the Gospel being true and the power of God’s Spirit being what really transforms us. You do not have to be a “believer” to receive our counsel, but our counsel will have a basis of “what God says about it.”